Detected Bugs [UNSOLVED]

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There are no unsolved bugs right now - that's a good thing!

Detected Bugs [SOLVED]

Description: Users reported a very high increase of power consumption while using the system.information console.
Found by: Admin
Status: Solved - There was a logic error within the JS code. This is my dumbest coding mistake I have made. As shown left, I used setInterval within the function that was using the interval execution.

Description: Users reported long bootup times. The issue was found to be the startup icon (shown left) which claculates to 5MB in size.
Found by: Admin
Status: Solved - I have decided to remove the 5MB GIF image that was used on startup. I have also modified the JS code to display the console as soon as it has finished loading.

Description: Detected a bug where background customizations were reported as successfully changed but not taking effect.
Found by: Admin
Status: Solved - required ID name was non-existant.

Description: Detected a bug where long inputs in the command bar caused the console to scroll horizontally.
Found by: Admin
Status: Solved - incorrect measurements were defining the width of the command input bar.

Report A Bug / Feedback

Have you found a bug? If you would like to report it, or if you would simply like to give feedback, please do not hesitate to contact me by emailing to

We always welcome feedback. You can also email to suggest a feature you'd like implented into the system.information console.